
2025 年 03 月にLPガス小売価格

Bình 12kg
Bình 45kg
Bình 50kg



Notice Holidays off: 30 April & 1 May

Dear Valued Customers^

We are SOPET Gas One Company Limited, would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your valued supports and cooperation with US during past time and look forward to our continued business partnerships in the following years.

In view of the upcoming Holidays in Vietnam, please be informed that SOPET Gas One Co., Ltd. Office in District 7, HCMC will

  • close on 29th April 2024 to 1st May 2024.
  • resume normal business on 2nd May 2024.

In case of urgent assistance during these holidays, please call our dedicated support numbers as following:

Mr. Trinh Ngoc Chung Sales Coordinator +84 909 864 988
Mr. Nguyen Minh Thong Sales Coordinator +84 909 960 869
Ms. Pham Thi Thu Vi Customer Service +84 938 602 525
Ms. Nguyen Thi My Linh Customer Service +84 907 278 499
Ms. Hoang Thi Bich Phuong Customer Service +84 902 752 866

Wishing you and your family happy holidays.

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